I read your post about me, or should i say YOU read your post to me? Well let me just tell you, Yes, I don't like boobs and I'm an awesome editor. Which you did state already.
But here is an update! Last friday I helped film the second round of commentary with Jim and T. And let me tell you, apparently everyone loves NUTS! Not just one type of nut, but all kinds of nuts, I mean, everyone could not keep those salty nuts out of there mouths. It was truly a sight to see. And yes i did get it on tape. The only person whose lips barely touched the skin of those salty nuts was T! But thats because he's married.
Lana Bear!
If you look on the screen above, you will see a pic of the great screen actress Lana in her oscar worthy role in the short, "Dearest Brother". Of course it wasn't done in time to be submitted to the oscars because the titles aren't done! Sorry Lana, you'll never get that golden man if you keep procrastinating and eating like you are in this picture that you can see to your right.
Where are my titles Lana, Where are they?
Love intern #2
One year Norman. They'll be done in one year!