This intern is our favorite intern to hate... intern number 2. Norman Trotter the Fourth. Don't let his cute little canary scarf fool you folks. He is vicious. Vicious like a pirate, but mushy inside. Mushy like sweet fields of bon bons in your mouth... Oh that Norman. Trust me, when something goes wrong, 10 out of 10, it was that Norman Trotter...
However, he does happen to have skills that no other intern possess. He can dance like a queen, but that's not his best feature... He is amazing at editing here at Misfit. My god! What a magician. He has been recently working on a project called Boobs. Tee Hee. Boobs. Norman, you don't like boobs. IRONY!
I don't know #2 well enough to hate him. He does seem snappy though... Why does he hate boobs? I don't get it!