Amy: So what do you think of my cookies that I made from SCRATCH! Norman.
Norman: Personally amy, there a little dry and they kinda taste of shit. I can do way better.
Amy: Bitch no you didn't. Don't come up in MY HOUSE, and tell ME how to make a fucking cookie!
Norman: Bitch please, from the way you bake, there is absolutely no one in this world who can tell you how to make a cookie. Since flour = dirt in your cook book.
Amy: Your face looks like dirt blacky.
Norman: Nigga please! you better step off, Or i'll cut you with your own hard jagged ass cookie. These things should be illegal.
Amy: Fuck you! Your cookies are so bad when your momma ate one she realized that hey, cancer isn't so bad after all.
Norman: Oh no HO! Your cookies are so bad that santa had to lick Rudolph's ass to get the taste of your nasty ass cookies out of his mouth!
Amy: Nigga Your cookies are so bad, the keebler elves had to put a hit out on you for giving cookies a bad name!
Norman: Cracka! YOUR Cookies are so bad, jesus took them as a signal to start the rapture! Thus bringing about the apocalypse! You destroyed the WORLD BITCH!
And the smack down went on for hours. Eventually T and Jim
had to hold us back and sedate us. So Amy and i decided to have a cookie battle, held next friday, JIMS PLACE! BE THERE! Also T's making peanut butter ice cream. HE PROMISED!

On another note, Amy and I decided to put our differences aside and tackle a project that eclipsed our cookie issue. JIMS CLOSET! For those of you who haven't seen it Please look at the picture above. By the time we found oscar beneath all the clothes, he was already dead. Been dead for a while. The look of utter fear that was on his face was, just to much to bare... So if you could, please bend your head down and spare a moment for Oscar... All he wanted was a friend you know. He thought he saw it in Jim's eyes but, no. Just pain. Pain and suffering. For shame Jim, for shame.
Jim, if you don't want me to shame you again then keep your room clean!
Anyways, its relatively clean now. And so is the hallway closet near the front door. Took me hours. The office closet is my next project. And to tell you the truth, I'm a little scared. But I know, that with truth and justice, I will prevail.
So in closing Kyle and Jessica Rice can go shove it, i revoke your intern Numbers. Aaaaand Here is a picture of Lana & Erik Estrada,working together at last.
P.S. they are both mexican.
This is what you get for slacking off and not show up for meetings Lana. SHAAAAAME!
Norman, I am revoking your blogging license. You can't handle all this power. Oh for shame! The poor readers who had to read your uninteresting cookie blogging life. Get a cooking channel Norman. There is a reason we named you number 2 you know. Now go back to the toilet where you and your cookies and erik estrada belong.